Types Of Dogs Photos - We all love dogs - or at least most of us do! But if you're not here. Maybe you're interested in learning about all dog breeds, or trying to decide which dog breed is best for you. The goal of this article is to help you discover dog breeds and which are the most popular.
Hopefully we've covered most of the facts you want to know about dog breeds, but we're going to cover a few more to really expand your knowledge.
Types Of Dogs Photos
Dogs are known for their sense of smell and it is no wonder that in the early days most dog breeds were trained to hunt alone. It can be said that their eyesight was impaired due to the need to focus on smell instead of sight.
Calm Dog Breeds With Easygoing Personalities (with Pictures)
Dogs are famous swimmers and most of them love water. Most famously, did you know that the Newfoundland is a dog breed that has truly waterproof fur, making them excellent lifeguards and swimmers?
The Great Dane is known as the tallest dog in the world, and one typical Great Dane, named Zeus, measured 44 inches in height. That's wonderful!
Labrador retrievers are the most popular dog breed in the world for their friendly nature and full capacity for love and companionship.
The German Shepherd is considered one of the most loyal dogs and it is no surprise that it has become one of the most reliable dog breeds in the world.
Most Expensive Dog Breeds For Pet Insurance
Like their Labrador cousins, Golden Retrievers are friendly, intelligent and caring dogs. They are excellent companions for individuals, couples and families.
These cute little dogs have become more popular than others in recent years. They require very little exercise, but you can get a lot of personality out of them.
British cousins of French Bulldogs. Bulldogs are a very popular breed and are often seen alongside presidential candidates for very good reason. They are extremely loyal and welcome companions in the home.
Beagles are on the smaller side compared to the other dogs on this list, but their playful and curious nature makes them a favorite of many owners around the world.
Small Fluffy Dog Breeds
These curvy, thick dogs like to make a statement, and their owners usually do, too. There are many sizes of poodles available and people love them as their beloved companions all over the world.
They may look evil and dangerous, but Rottweilers are the most loving and loyal dog breeds you can get. They act as guardians of the family and are excellent pets for those with young children as they will always do their best to take care of them.
These dogs are incredibly intelligent and have been bred for years to hunt wild animals. It was this distinctive breeding that led them to become one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
Small, fluffy and cheerful. Yorkshire terriers have been some of the most fashionable pets in the world since the Victorian era and have become a mainstay in most households.
Ugly Dog Breeds You'll Love
Hailing from a few rural islands off the Norwegian coast, the Norwegian Lundehund has some truly unique characteristics that no other breed shares. They are expert climbers and during their time in the wild, puffins have learned to hunt any land creature.
These bright little dogs can easily be mistaken for a poodle mix due to their distinctive curly coat. Over the years it has evolved from hunting waterfowl to hunting truffles and is now considered to be the only dog of its kind that hunts truffles (a very valuable resource indeed).
Loyal and passionate, Azawakh are great protectors of the family, but they are rarely seen among the families you know. They were bred to use their sight to smell (an interesting feat for a dog given their remarkable sense of smell and their prodigious eyesight).
It is currently considered a very weak breed, but there are still otterhounds in the world. Originally from Great Britain, otters have incredibly thick fur covering their bodies and were bred in the early days to defend fish from their namesakes.
Types Of Shepherd Dog Breeds (with Pictures)
A Hungarian breed of dog with an attractive coat pattern, but today there are less than 1,000 of them. They are generally enthusiastic and energetic dogs and are often used as livestock on farms.
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